He Went With Drake


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Oliver Barrett is only 12 when he becomes a musician onboard one of Sir Francis Drake’s ships at war with the Spanish Armada – a large battle fleet preparing to fight England.

Four years after returning home with enough money to buy an estate, a short message arrives from Drake. Come to Plymouth. Oliver packs his bags and leaves that very day along with James – his best friend and fellow companion.

James’ sister asks: “You mean that you’ll leave all you care for, even your precious pigs, and ride off on a horse too small for you just because that man calls you?”… “Yes,” Oliver said, “that’s how it will be.”

His mission from Drake? To work in a print shop and spy on the Spanish. The work is tiring and dangerous. Recognition means facing the Inquisition. Capture means torture and death. There are even rumors that James has been caught and made a galley slave. Will Oliver or James ever get back to the peace and beauty of England again?

Louise Andrews Kent is a master storyteller, weaving historical accuracy and immersive adventure into one epic voyage of discovery.

This new edition features all the original illustrations and clean, readable text. It is a fantastic living book teaching about history and geography, recommended for ages 10 and up.

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